Selected Publications

Many countries must switch from fossil fuels to power for heating. This switch will make the power consumption more sensitive to weather conditions. At the same time, the share of wind and solar power generation is expected to increase, which also makes power production more sensitive to weather conditions. How will these changes impact the weather risk in our power system?

Recent Publications

More Publications

(2021). Increased Electrification of Heating and Weather Risk in the Nordic Power System.


(2021). Welfare impacts of a negative income tax on regions of Brazil. In Economic Systems Research.


(2020). Impacts of a possible trade liberalization between Brazil, the United States, the European Union and China on the Brazilian economy: An analysis of Computable General Equilibrium. In Brazilian Journal of International Relations.


(2019). Climate Change Scenarios for Paraguayan Power Demand 2017-2050. In Climatic Change.


(2017). Optimizing community trees using the open tree of life increases the reliability of phylogenetic diversity and dispersion indices. In Ecological Informatics.


Recent Posts

On wednesday last week, the winners of the awards (one per field) for best PhD theses in Brazil in 2016 were announced. And, lo and behold, there was my name in the official gazette – receiving the award in the field of economics for my thesis on energy and climate change.


Welcome to my researcher profile website! This site will showcase my research, showing both results and work in progress. It feels a little empty at the moment, but it will gradually fill up with interesting content.

The site was hacked together in a relatively short time using the following components:



Developing the Norwegian Energy System in the European Energy Transition (NORENS)

What will be the role of the Norwegian electric sector in the ongoing transition of the European energy system?

Reverse the Curse: Can Quantum Computing Lift Bellman’s Curse of Dimensionality?

We study approximation methods and the application of quantum computing to stochastic dynamic optimisation problems.

Accelerating Numerical Stochastic Dynamic Optimisation for Applied Economics

We are developing new and faster ways of solve stochastic dynamic optimisation problems numerically.


A Computable General Equlibrium (CGE) model for Brazil, based on GTAP, with separate modelling of the five Brazilian macro-regions.


At the Federal University of Viçosa, I teach the following courses:

  • ERU403: Mathematical Economics I
  • ERU706: Macroeconomic Theory III
  • ERU730: Computable General Equilibrium Models
